What is Campcellations?
Campcellations is a multi platform application that allows users to find available campsites from thousands of Campgrounds across the United States and parts of Canada. Currently Campcellations works on Apple devices including iphone and ipads, Android phones and tablets, Windows based computer systems and Apple Mac products.
Why use Campcellations?
RV ownership and the desire to camp has grown very rapidly over the past couple of years. Some reports show a growth in RV sales of more than 79% over that of 2019. That’s almost twice the number of RV’s looking for a campsite this year versus last year. The demand for available places to camp has never been greater. Well established popular campgrounds have been unable to expand or unwilling to expand to meet the demand and are often sold out for many weeks even months in advance. It has become increasingly frustrating for individuals and families to get out and enjoy the natural setting that a State or National park offers. Let’s face it, no one goes out and buys an RV to watch it sit unused.
Campcellations is working very hard to help campers find sites that are otherwise sold out as soon as they come available.
How does Campcellations work?
Campcellations works by allowing its users to set up a search for campsites that are currently sold out by selecting the campground they want to get into, selecting a date range they would like to camp and the number of consecutive days they would like to camp. After the parameters for the desired campground have been selected the user submits the search. Campcellations will then scan the campground for available sites, if there are sites available to book right away that meet your requirements a link will appear that will take you directly to the booking page.
If the campground you have searched has nothing available right away Campcellations stores that search for you and continues to search for a campsite to come available. We do this by repeatedly monitoring the campground 24/7 looking for any campsites that can be booked either from a cancellation or from the park opening a new block of sites. When Campcellations finds an available campsite a notification is sent to the users device.
What devices does Campcellations support?
The Campcellations app is available for both Apple and Android Devices and can be accessed through any web browser on Mac and PC systems.
Using Campcellations on a Mac or PC through a web browser will require the user to have the browser window open and be connected to the internet. The Mac and PC version of Campcellations is best for anyone that sits behind a desk all day with a web browser open.
This is why the Campcellations app is so important. The Apple and Android app can run in the background of your device. No need to have the app open all the time. When Campcellations finds an available campsite it pushes a notification to your phone with a distinguishable audible tone. Using the Camplellation app makes it far more convenient and more readily available for users to know exactly when a site has come available.
What Campgrounds does Campcellations search?
Campcellations currently searches any online bookable campground found on Reserve America, Recreation.gov ( National Parks, National Forest, USFDA, Army Corp of Engineers, and others ), Reserve California, British Columbia Parks System, Ontario Parks System, Washington State Parks, Alabama State Parks, as well as a number of regional/county parks systems we have found to be popular. Campcellations is working every day to add as many parks systems to the platform as possible. Our goal is to be able to search every bookable campground in the United States and Canada in the future.
Aren’t there other services that do the same thing?
While there are others offering similar services, there are a lot of differences between these other providers and Campcellations.
Some providers only offer pay per search services. These pay per search services can cost up $50 per search for a campsite. Campcellations offers Multiple searches per month at a fraction of the price.
There are providers that can only search a very limited number of campgrounds. Campcellations has thousands more campgrounds then these providers and we are adding new campground systems every day.
Other providers only offer browsers based systems making it very difficult to navigate on today’s mobile devices. Campcellations is the only service that works on Android and Apple devices as a standalone app that delivers notifications direct to you in the palm of your hand. Having the Campcellations app on your mobile devices allows you to easily create, monitor and react to campsites that come available instantly.
How often does Campcellations scan for available campsites?
Is Campcellations affiliated with the Campgrounds?
No. We have no affiliation to any of the campgrounds we search. Campcellations was created by campers who love to camp as often as possible and just got tired of being shut out. We are simply providing a service to other campers who want to get out into the great outdoors and relax.
Is Campcellations Free to use?
Campcellations does offer a free 2 week trial so users can make sure it’s the right tool for them after that a subscription is billed monthly. Unfortunately, there is a lot of time and cost that goes into maintaining such a robust and powerful system like Campcellations. If you actively try to book sites in any of the hardest to get campgrounds around the country you’ll easily understand the benefit a couple dollars a month can provide.
Can I pause or change my monthly subscription?
Of course. While the hardest to book campgrounds are often sold out months in advance and we recommend that you create searches far in advance of when you hope to camp, the Campcellations subscription can be paused or changed anytime. We understand that most campers only have the ability to camp during the warmer late spring or summer months and may want to only plan camping trips a month or so in advance. Anytime that you want to pause your subscription simply log into your account settings and pause your billing. Changing your subscription level can be done as well in the account settings.
How many Active Searches can I have running at once?
Campcellations offers two different tiers of searches for its users.
The Basic Monthly Subscription –
With the basic monthly subscription users can have up to 5 active campground searches running at any one time for a 30 day period.
The Basic Monthly subscription would allow a user to plan up to 5 camping trips at once. If you have specific dates that you would like to camp but are open to camping in a few different campgrounds Campcellations can help fill the dates by searching the same dates at up to 5 different campgrounds. This gives you the best chances of finding an available campground to camp at during the dates you want.
It would also allow a user to select multiple weekends at their favorite campground for a 30 day period by simply creating 4 different searches for the same campground with a different date range for each search that is for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Still leaving an additional search to be used for any other dates or campgrounds.
The Premium monthly –
The Premium monthly membership offers all the same benefits of the Basic membership without limiting the number of Active searches.
A Premium monthly membership is the way to go for any active camper that wants to get out as often as they can. It also provides the best solution for planning long extended trips in advance. Anyone who has tried to go camping in Florida during the winter knows exactly what we mean. Having the ability to set up multiple searches in Florida from late December to April is a must have feature that we are glad to offer.
Why am I not getting any Notifications for my Campcellations searches?
No campsites meeting your exact date range or minimum equipment requirements have come available yet. Campcellations begins monitoring your exact search the moment you tap Search Now. Campcellations will continue to run that search every “___” minutes 24 hours a day 7 days a week until we find an available site or your selected date range passes. You can always check the progress of your searches by tapping the Active tab at the bottom of the app. From the Active screen you will see a list of all your current active searches. Tap on a current park being searched. You will now be able to see details on the search for that park including when you started the search, the date range of the search, and most importantly how many times Campcellations has performed the search you requested for that park.
Campcellations sent a notification that a match was found, what now?
When Campcellations sends you a notification all you have to do is tap on the notification. Campcellations will launch your web browser and open directly to the booking page for the campground and date range you set the search for. It’s important that you book the site right away. There are a lot of people trying to book campsites as they come available, often a campsite that has been canceled is gone again in less than 5 minutes.
Does Campcellations book my site for me when I get a Notification?
No. Campcellations does not have the capability to complete your booking reservation. We only provide a service to monitor and notify when campsites come available. It is on you to finalize the booking process.
I received a notification that Campcellations found a campsite. Why can’t I book it?
If you have received a notification and the campsite is no longer available chances are that someone beat you to it. Remember timing is everything, the quicker you respond to the notification the more likely you are to be the first to book. There are thousands of eager campers just like you searching and scouring the campground websites hoping to find an available site. This is what makes a tool like Campcellations so powerful by giving you the best overt unity to grab a site as soon as it comes available.
What are my chances of Campcellations finding a campsite during a busy holiday weekend?
There are a lot of factors that go into successfully getting a campsite for any busy weekend. First, if the campground you want to stay in has availability Campcellations will show you those sites that can be booked right away as soon as a search is submitted. The other scenario has a few more factors to consider.
If you have submitted a search for a sold out campground, Campcellations will alert you that there are no available campsites. Campcellations will then begin to monitor the exact date range, days you want to camp and your equipment needs once every “___” minute. The moment a campsite that fits your needs comes available Campcellations will send you a notification and you will be sent a direct link to the booking site to complete your reservation booking.
There are a number of ways to help increase your chances of finding a site. Consider setting up your search with the minimal requirements you need. As an example, if you are flexible on the days of the week you can camp but want to camp at least 3 days, try setting up a search from Thursday – Monday for any 3 days. Campcellations will now search for any 3 consecutive days between those dates. You may not get that perfect Friday – Sunday campsite but you may get Saturday – Monday or Thursday – Saturday and so on.
Also consider if you really need to be on 50 amp electric service or need to have a sewer hookup. The fewer requirements you search for the more likely you are to find an available site. Campcellations searches for campsites that match your minimal requirements to camp. Campcellations will always notify you if a campsite with more features comes available. The goal is to let Campcellations find the most campsites possible.
Is Campcellations an unfair advantage?
Absolutely not. Anyone can sit down at their computer and continually refresh the reservations website for their favorite campground hoping that a previously sold out campsite comes available. The fact is, no one knows when that particular sold out campground is going to have a cancellation. The difference comes down to an individual dedicating the time to constantly monitor the campground for a set date range, refresh the reservation website every couple of minutes, repeating the process for days or weeks, and time it just right.. Campcellations does all that with a few quick taps on your favorite device. All you have to do is listen to be notified that your requested campsite is available and be ready to book.
I’m ready, how do I get started?
At the moment Campcellations is still in Beta. We are currently seeking individuals that actively camp on a regular basis and are planning multiple camping trips in the future. As a Beta user we will occasionally send requests for feedback and suggestions. If you would like to be considered for the Beta program please fill out this brief form tell us about your camping setup and future camping plans and we will be in touch when slots are available.
How much does it cost?
Campcellations offers a 2 week free trial to test drive the system so you can experience the advantage a tool like Campcellations can offer. After which Campcellations will be automatically billed monthly. Users will have the option to choose from one of two monthly subscriptions we offer. The Basic monthly subscription is $5.99 a month and allows users to have up to 5 Active searches running. The Premium monthly subscription is $11.99 and offers users an unlimited number of Active searches.
We are currently offering Early Beta Testers a special discount. If you would like to help us test and refine the Campcellations app at a sweet discount please fill out the Beta test form and we will be in touch with you when slots are available.